Custom Instrumentation for Requests Module

Learn how to manually instrument your code to use Sentry's Requests module.

As a prerequisite to setting up Requests, you’ll need to first set up performance monitoring. Once this is done, the JavaScript SDK will automatically instrument outgoing HTTP requests. If that doesn't fit your use case, you can set up using custom instrumentation.

For detailed information about which data can be set, see the Requests Module developer specifications.

import * as Sentry from '';

  dsn: '',
  // ...

To ensure the SDK can send events, you should enable network access for your ingestion domain:

deno run index.ts

NOTE: Refer to HTTP Span Data Conventions for a full list of the span data attributes.

Here is an example of an instrumented function that makes HTTP requests:

async function makeRequest(method, url) {
  return await Sentry.startSpan(
    {op: 'http.client', name: `${method} ${url}`},
    async span => {
      const parsedURL = new URL(url, location.origin);

      const response = await fetch(url, {

      span?.setAttribute('http.request.method', method);

      span?.setAttribute('server.address', parsedURL.hostname);
      span?.setAttribute('server.port', parsedURL.port || undefined);

      span?.setAttribute('http.response.status_code', response.status);

      // A good place to set other span attributes

      return response;
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